Celebrate Simplicity : Apricot Yogurt

138 views 12:00 am 0 Comments April 30, 2013
“It is the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary ” ~ Paulo Coelho 

 The sight of the cheery orange sun behind the trees as it gets ready to rise and fill your day with warmth and light is sure to brighten up and awaken you..The outside is filled with silence broken by chirping of birds or rustling of the leaves as the wind gently blows. This serene surrounding brings about a rush of positive thoughts into our minds as we get ready for the day ahead. 
We step out to be  greeted by polluted noisy vehicles and other things that get to us and dampen our spirits. The clouds make their appearance all ready to darken your day. It takes a strong mind and a continued practice to remain cheerful even amidst chaos to see the good among the bad and the ugly. When the mind is distracted the sight of the colors of the season in nature, smell of  the first rain, roses and tulips dancing to the wind, the sound of laughter or a warm fireplace in winter all can play a role in lifting up our spirits once again. 
It does not take much sometimes to bring a smile on our faces or to create wonderful memories we cherish for long. An afternoon spent with friends or family sharing thoughts or maybe enjoying a freshly baked cake and listening to their delight as they enjoy the moment will be remembered more for years to come.
I have nothing against indulgence.In fact I do enjoy routine peppered with occasional indulgence as reward for something well  done maybe and so on..Sometimes it takes some events that make us realize the importance of simple pleasure.Even a day of suffering from a bad cold make us appreciate the routine of just chatting or eating a meal seem like a treat.. Don`t you think ?
Food too sometimes in its simple and fresh form can be soothing. Freshest and locally available ingredients used in their purest form goes a long way in ensuring a healthy life. It takes just a little bit of creativity to create a simple yet special dish with fresh ingredients. 
One such pleasurable dish is this Apricot Yogurt. It involves just a simple technique you use in making homemade curd everyday. When paired with fresh citrus-y orange juice it makes for such a delightful light indulgence. Serve it as a dessert on a warm Sunday afternoon for a  guilt  free and healthy dessert.  

Apricot Yogurt

Light & citrus-y dessert!

For Milk Mixture

  • Milk – 3 cups
  • Cornflour – 3 tsp
  • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp

For the Orange Sauce

  • Orange Juice (freshly squeezed – extracted from 1.5 orange)
  • Dried Apricots – 3 to 4
  • Sugar – 1.5 to 2 tbsp
  • Cinnamon Powder – ¼ tsp
  • Curd – 1.5 tbsp

For Garnish

  • Dried Apricots – chopped
  • Cinnamon Powder
  1. Soak the apricots req for the sauce and garnish in some warm water for 15 to 20 mins. Drain and chop.
  2. In a saucepan pour in the ingredients of the Milk Mixture and whisk once to ensure there are no lumps. Keep over heat and let heat for about 5 to 7 mins.
  3. Remove and let come to room temp.
  4. In another saucepan add in the contents of the Orange Sauce and let heat for 1 minute (not more).
  5. Remove and let come to room temp.
  6. In a large bowl pour in the cooled milk, cooled orange sauce, curd. Stir with hand whisk to mix well.
  7. May now transfer to 4 large or 6 small individual serving bowls and let set at room temp for 4 to 6 hours (Took me 6 hours). Once set/ turns into curd, you may keep in the fridge.
  8. Garnish and serve.

Remember not to keep the milk – sauce mixture in the fridge before it sets. It will not turn to curd then!
Instead of apricots, you may add cubed apples. But skip the soaking process of course.

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