Cumin or jeera in Hindi; jeerige in Kannada is a spice that is a native of eastern Mediterranean region. It is now cultivated in India, Morocco, China, Indonesia, Egypt and Argentina.
Medicinal Uses-
* They aid in digestion, treat piles, insomnia, increase immunity, treat respiratory disorders, asthma, bronchitis, common cold, lactation, anemia, skin disorders, boils and cancer.
* They are rich in iron and thus help to treat anaemia.
* The amount of iron in cumin leads to increased haemoglobin production and so adequate amounts of oxygen reach brain and other organs.
* Cumin contains vitamin E and useful in treatment of skin disorders, wrinkles, age spots etc. They contain disinfectant and antifungal properties.
* To cure stomachache- Make powder of cumin seeds and mix with equal amounts of honey. Consume this mixture bit by bit.