Apple Lemonade

147 views 12:28 am 10 Comments May 24, 2013
The temperature is increasing here each day and juices and coolers are all I can think about to. On one such hot evening summer, this refreshing & quick lemonade came into existence.
How many time have we heard the saying – an apple a day keeps the doctor. But what exactly are the benefits of apple that makes it so popular? For one, the pectin in apple lowers the bad cholestrol (LDL). It detoxifies the body, cleans teeth & strengthens gums. It also assists in digestion. So those with stomach problems will benefit by eating an apple before meal.
Note : The apples you buy must be firm. Do not buy the ones which you can dent with your finger. Always keep them refrigerated to prevent them from spoiling soon.

Apple Ginger Lemonade

Apple juice spiced up with ginger!

  • 1 medium size apple (peel & core)
  • 1/2 ” to 1″ piece ginger
  • Juice of one lime
  • Sugar to taste
  • pinch of salt or black salt to taste (optional)
  • Chilled water as req (about 1 to 1.5 cups)
  1. Put all the ingredient in blender and blend till smooth. Do not add too much water initially but add some more as required later depending on the consistency desired.
  2. Sip into this sweet-tangy-spicy lemonade and feel refreshed!

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